The scoring system
The scoring system monitors your performance and is doing that regardless of the driving mode. After driving a session, you can access the performance analysis by opening the Review last game page from the main menu.
At the beginning of the simulation, you start with a score of zero points. The following events award you with points:
Every successful stop at a station at which you are supposed to stop: 100 points
Stopped within 1% of the allowed stop tolerance: 15 points
Arrived right on schedule: 15 points
The following events are penalized:
Being late at a station:
Score depends on duration of lateness: -20 points
per minute
Being off the perfect stop position:
Score depends on the position: At most -50 points
on the outer rim of the tolerance.
Departing a station before the expected departure time:
Score depends on the time difference to the expected departure time: -90 points
per minute
Opening the doors outside of the station area:
Score depends on duration of doors opened.
Exceeding the currently allowed track speed limit:
Score depends on amount and duration of overspeed.
Passing a red signal: -100 points
Causing passenger discomfort: -20 points
Forcing the train to topple:
Score depends on duration of toppling.
Causing a derailment: The score is reset to -1000
points if not already lower.
The maximum possible score is 100 times the amount of station at which you are expected to stop. Additional points you gain through the boni are only meant to compensate for penalties.
The final score is translated into a percentage between 0% and 100%, giving any of the following ratings:
90% - 100%
80% - 90%
70% - 80%
60% - 70%
50% - 60%
40% - 50%
30% - 40%
20% - 30%
10% - 20%
0% - 10%